First blog post


It is said " it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person, to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become spontaneous "
to be honest this was the rationale behind m new start, which I wanted to be open and helpful rather than self-centered. That’s what this blog is going to be about sharing ideas, hints for self-improvement, and development.
I would like to be open to experiencing things and challenge myself to be and do better as I would like it (this blog) to open perspectives to others to be inspired and make the step towards self-development and improvement.

To make it clearer, throughout this blog, followers would be able to know:

-more about me

-the rational and motive and aims of the creation of this blog

About me

nicknamed Morta, I'm 27 years old engineer and I have just moved to a new state to start my professional career. for the last 8 years, I have moved  from job to job learning new stuff and acquiring new skills along the way, such as blogging, marketing, designing, and a lot of other useful skills.
This has filled my days and made me occupied bt it has never made me feel satisfied: I had often felt stuck and tied to everyday life routine.
The loss of my beloved who was the little sunshine that used to help me stand for 8 years, broke my back. It broke me into pieces ... I don't know was it a curse or a new state of BEING!!


I gathered myself ... the broken pieces of myself and decided to resist. I know I have to build myself anew.... so this loss was my Rebirth

The rational and motive and aims of the creation of this blog

dont give up
Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

Here I'm in a new environment, new colleague, new people, with little social contact and more virtual presence, I wanted to overcome my nostalgia to my family, friend and routines by blogging for my own.

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

So this is my blog in which you may expect to find DIY, life hacks, recipes, diet tips, health care and a lot more I expect to get busy keeping this blog. I would be happy to post any helpful and inspiring facts of life and I would be open to comments and feedback


1 comment:

  1. 👼😇👼😇🌈👼😘👼😘
